Waiting List Application

Starred questions are required.  Also, if your computer uses auto-fill, please double check that the answers are filled correctly.

Business Name:
*Zip Code:
*Phone Number:
Cell Phone:
*Email Address:
*Please include a description of all items to be sold, INCLUDING PRICES. Be detailed, so that we know how to compare potential artisans and products within the same category (more than "tee shirts" or "flower clips"). No MLM or party-type vendors, please.
*We'd love to know what you think makes you stand out more than the other (jewelers/artists/seamstresses/crafters)?
*Give us your best shot! Please upload a photo of your products and packaging (please be sure to resize all photos for web).
*Can we see more?
Really, as many as you'd like is fine. :)
*What size is your display? Our fee structure is based on 6' increments. You will receive the full possible width, unless you state that you don't need it. ALL DISPLAYS (except the cluster) ARE 3' IN DEPTH. If you require a chair to sit with your inventory, please be sure to include that in your space. 1' to 6' wide...$80
6' to 12' wide...$155
12' to 18' wide...$225
18' to 24' wide...$290 (Four spots running long)
12' by 6' cluster...$270 (This is the best rate for large displays. Four spots will create your own center "cluster", visible on all sides.)
Please contact Heidi if you need more space.
*Tell us about your display...its appearance is becoming increasingly important to the show. Also, please describe your exact display with dimensions (ie: mannequin bodice and baskets with inventory on top of 4' table, pegboard behind the table, and chair next to table, etc.). This helps us select our artisans by display appeal and also to map the show ahead of time. Tell us how pretty/eye catching/hip it will be!
*The way you present your products is really important to us. We'd love to see a photo of your booth, but if you don't have one, a sketch would be awesome!
*We think cool logos are awesome too. Want to show us yours?
Anything else you'd like to tell us?

When your form has been submitted, you will be redirected to ohsweetsadie.com and receive an email confirmation.  Thank you so much!